Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Charles Dickens’ Diary for Writing Great Expectations Essay
I cannot but thoroughly criticize the lackadaisical social and moral abuses in this country. The will to take action has urged me to write Great Expectations in order to assail the abominable conditions that exist in England. In this novel, my dear characters are idealized in order to heavily contrast with the ugly social truths that I reveal. For it is fully my intent to raise the awareness of these corrupting and unjust conditions that we so nonchalantly live with. Oh what a pity! A grief indeed, that the once innocuous and simple Pip may be transformed into the snobbish and opinionated character he becomes. For what was the reason for Pip’s unexpected transformation? Of course, it is naught but the social-class division that feeds the desire of selfish ambition. Here in England, the social-class determines how a person is treated and his access to education. This most discriminatory attitude is displayed when the otherwise indifferent tailor servilely attends to Pip after hearing of his fortune despite turning a cold shoulder to him earlier. Is money enough to turn a man into a mouse? Why is it that charisma does not command respect but pounds and shillings? After attaining a vast amount of wealth, Pip even begins to treat his closest friend and protector, Joe, with a superior air. Was Joe not plenty a’ gentle and fair to Pip? Had Joe been an inadequate friend? Absolutely not, twas’ being Pip now belonged to a higher social class. Not only does social standing determine how one was treated daily, but also played an unfair and villainous part in court reasoning in our society. In the case of the two convicts, the main perpetrator, a gentlemen, stated in his defense speech â€Å"† you has afore you, side by side, two persons as your eyes can separate wide; one, the younger, well brought up†¦ one; the elder, ill brought up†¦ which is the worst one?†The most incredulous and vile aspect is not the use of an ad hominem, but the court promptly basing the entire decision of the trial strictly on this statement regarding social appearance. I assure you, this is not uncommon at all in this country. Trials and disputes are unfairly biased and integrity comes arm in arm with class and money rather than logic and proof. Ah! Though it is true that social class plays an enormous role in everyone’s lives, it all but affects one’s character. One’s character is still left intact despite the obstructive society divide. An honest but poor man today shall unquestionably hold more truth than a sly rich man. Alas’, sadly this is far from the case today. The secondary reason that had prompted me to write this novel was the physical condition of London. Being a local resident of London, I bore firsthand witness to the effects of industrialization. At the cost of clean air and green living space, London transformed into a merchant city full of jobs and people. O how I do miss the crisp clean fields of the countryside. This sentimentality was the reason that provoked me to write about the descriptive settings and bustling activities within the city. Not to mention the crowded condition people lived in, primitive sewage and poor working conditions. As a result, I am not particularly fond of aristocrats and express this through my characters. Through them, I expose the malignant social norms such as Magistrates courts and the social divide. As well, my reminiscent memories of familiar settings and my want to explore the conditions in the city have compelled me to write this novel. The end product cannot help but evoke a sense of awareness and social conscientiousness from the reader.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Cyclermate Report
CYCLERMATE COMPANY PERFORMANCE REPORT Word count: 3099 words The INCREDIBLES – FB2A Ngo Mai Anh Hoang My Hanh Dinh Ngoc Huyen Nguyen Hai Ly Nguyen Ha Thu Nguyen Son Tung Content 1. Introduction 2. Liquidity and Capital structure 2. 2. 2. 3. 2. 4. 2. 5. 3. 1. 3. 2. SWOT Analysis Liquidity Matters Capital Structure Matters Short-term options Page 3 4 3. Production Methods SWOT Analysis Short-term Options 8 4. Human Relations 5. Investigation for Lone-term Survival and Profitability 6. Conclusion 7. Reference 8. Appendix 10 12 13 14 15 2|Page 1. Introduction Cyclermate Ltd is a small company producing bicycles in UK. The firm was set up by Lewis Llewellyn and Dai Armstrong, the two close friends in a local cycle touring club. They produce traditional upright cycle, which imitate the 1940’s and 1950’s. In 1990s, the company expanded to meet the demand and they bought a 15,000 square feet warehouse with 2,000 square feet of office accommodation. The high quality hand- made bikes brought them good reputation and maintained high sales though they did not advertise much. However in 2010 the company has trouble as the sales decrease and the demand fell in spite of lower price. Some customers even complained about quality of the product because they got accidents due to front brake. We are a group of consultants and we are preparing this report that will give Cyclermate’s banker an objective view about this company. Although at the moment they are having overdraft and some difficulties in selling products, we are here to make the bank see opportunities of this company and continue investing in it. 3|Page 2. Liquidity and Capital Structure 2. 1. SWOT Analysis ? Strengths ? ? Cyclermate has a long establishment time and reputation in producing traditional bike. The company has asset of a large piece of land worth ? 208,000 (included ? 48,000 of factory and ? 160,000 of unused land). ? Weaknesses ? ? Cyclermate has very few current assets and more non-current asset. This reduces the liquidity of money. There is a great liability that is in the form of bank overdrafts. Costs are rising while price per unit decrease to encourage customers resulting in reduce in revenue. ? Opportunities ? ? A fixed amount of bike is ensured to be sold with Cyclermate’s reputation Sales may increase with environment protection trend There is a chance of getting investment from Dai’s cousin ? ? ? ? Threats Banks do not allow anymore overdraft, thus there is a possibility of bankruptcy With competition from other companies and e-commerce, together with bad reputation from accidents caused by Cyclermate’s bikes. sales may continue to remain low ? Linda Llewellyn – one of three shareholders wants to withdraw money from company business 2. 2. Liquidity Matters The current ratio measures whether or not a firm has enough resources to pay over its debt over the next 12 months. Current ratio is calculated as follow. In this case, current ratio is 1. 85 which means that for every dollar the company owes in the short term it has ? 1. 5 available in assets that can be converted to cash in the short term. Therefore, it can be understood that current liabilities are still in control. However, the ratio is a little bit high so it reflects that the company is not efficiently using its current assets or its short-term financing facilities. This may also indicate problems in working capit al management. 4|Page Quick ratio measures the ability of a company to use its near cash or quick assets to extinguish or retire its current liabilities immediately. The higher the ratio, the greater the company’s liquidity is. (Quick Assets = Current Assets – Inventory) Here, Cyclermate has a quick ratio of 1. 15 which means Cyclermate has enough quick assets to convert to cash in order to pay current liabilities if necessary. Cash ratio measures a company’s ability to immediately use cash to pay its current debts This ratio indicates that this company does not have much cash in hand and naturally it cannot pay bank overdraft right away by cash. Generally, Cyclermate’s current liabilities are still in control with the liquidity of its current assets. However, with limited cash in hand, other current assets are needed to increase liquidity in to ensure the ability to pay debts in urgent circumstances. . 3. Capital Structure Matters Capital structure is the way a company combines between Equity and Liabilities in order to optimize financial sources. The effectiveness of a company’s capital structure is often analyzed through debt-to-equity (D/E) ratio. Here, Cyclermate’s D/E ratio is estimated 1. 976. It means that with eac h ? 1 of Equity, there is ? 1. 976 of Liabilities. In other words, at the moment, the ability to pay debt of Cyclermate is over the ability of payment for shareholder’s fund. To resolve the problems or to reduce the ratio, there are two main trends: decrease Liabilities and/or increase Equity. In the short term, it is very difficult to raise shareholder’s fund as it takes time to persuade individuals and organizations to invest in a small company who is in the verge of bankruptcy. Even when there is a possibility that Dai’s cousin will invest to Cyclermate, long time will be needed to complete legal policies and internal matters. Thus, in short-term, it is more rational to focus on minimizing Liabilities. Therefore, problems of capital structure in short-term turns out to be the same matters with liquidity, which is: how to increase cash in company account to pay bank overdraft and other liabilities. |Page 2. 4. Short-term Options To deal with the difficulties of Cyclermate Ltd in liquidity as well as capital structure, we firstly take into account about the company assets that can be quickly converted to cash in case bank asks for paying back overdraft. The assets are chosen includes company’s free hold land and trade debtors. Looking at this companyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s financial strengths, it is easy to recognize its very huge freehold land which is worth ? 160,000. However, this value has been recorded with historical price in the purchase time – by the end of 1990. Thus, we calculate the current price of the land in December 2011 is about ? 269,160. 4 (if the price in 1990 was 100%, the inflation rate made the average price in December 2011 reach up to 168. 244%). As a result, if we convert immediately the freehold land, the money gained is enough to pay all ? 264,864 current liabilities (including ? 177,364 of bank overdraft and ? 87,500 of trade creditors). In addition, the company has a small scale; therefore; we do not have to concern so far about expanding factory area. In addition, this company has ? 00,571 at trade debtors that represents the amounts own by cycle shops and this amount of money can cover the bank overdraft. Though Cyclermate could not take back all the trade debtors, they should take back as much as they can. Then, we consider about plans to increase profit or to decrease cost for Cyclermate in short-time with the purpose to raise the company’s fund: The draft budget for 2010/11 points out that Cyclermate has poten tial to have budgeted trading loss with only 950 and 1300 bikes sold through direct mail order and cycle shop in turns. In the first stage, we calculate the amount of bikes to reach BEP (break-even point) with assumption of the same price, same cost and same proportion of two types. In the calculation: Q*: Break-even point Fixed cost = Indirect cost Price per unit = Average price per unit = Total sales / Total bike quantity (of both 2 types of bike) Variable cost = Direct cost per unit ? Q* (estimated) = 2,753 bikes 6|Page Thus, to reach BEP Cyclermate needs to sell 503 more bikes (including about 212 bikes through direct mail order and 291 bikes through cycle shop). In fact, how to sell 503 more bikes is a difficult matter. As a result, we decide to suggest lowering direct cost in each bike by reducing parts namely lamps, lock, basket, dynamo and brake front (replace by brake front without dynamo). The reasons will be explained in detail in next part about Production. By doing this, each bike saves about ? 31. 09 for direct material / variable cost. We calculate BEP again with the new variable cost and find out Q* = 2310 bikes which means Cyclermate only needs to sell more 60 bikes (25 bikes through direct mail order and 36 bikes through cycle shop). Consequently, the cost cutting method can help increase profitability. Moreover, there are some employees want to retire or cannot work anymore like Lewis Llewellyn or Idris Pugh. If Cyclermate accepts to let them free (the plan will be explained in Human Relations part), they will have a new budget of ? 67,534 per year. This budget is not only enough to employ new staffs to vacant positions, but also can save an amount of salary for the company. 7|Page 3. Production Methods 3. 1. SWOT Analysis ? Strengths: ? The cycles made by the company are â€Å"retro†styles and totally hand-made with high-standard which have high demand from the market ? The whole process is divided clearly into stages which are responsible by specialized people at each specific stage ? Weaknesses: ? ? ? ? Faults is continuously appearing and reduces the quality of the product The recent painting method causes some quality problems to a number of fames. Moreover, the highly toxic paint materials is ruining the compressor and extraction equipment There are some components that are not necessary make the cost to produce a cycle quite high There are some employees’ issues that invisibly affects the production and reduces the productivity ? Opportunities: ? The new materials and technologies that Dai’s relative provides is a great opportunity to develop the product The firm has commissioned a cycle shop in Cardiff to build the wheels for it with reasonable quality and are always delivered quickly 3. 2. Short-term Options First of all, it is good that the company have specialized people responsible for each specific stage. This is because on e of the most important facets of job specialization is its potential to increase worker productivity and output. However, in the current arrangement, there are still some clashes of tasks between people. Therefore, it is necessary that tasks are assigned specifically to employees. Secondly, after the interview, it is clearly that faults causes mainly by the painting method and Janice’s mistakes as she has to work quickly and late. In short term, it is too difficult to upgrade the painting method to fix the paint quality problems so reducing the number of fames painted each day to focus on the quality should be concerned since demand for the period continues to fall. The company also should prioritize assembly to guarantee that every product is tested carefully before reaching customers. Beside the problems mentioned above, there are some employees’ issues that also need to be concerned about such as Idris Pugh who is responsible for wheels, mudguards, chain guards, stays and other hardware is really old and often absent because of his heath. Fortunately, the company has already 8|Page commissioned a cycle shop in Cardiff to do the job with reasonable quality and is always delivered quickly. The direct cost is somewhat higher than the materials and components used by Idris, but the company can reduce the cost of paying salary for Idris. Since the cost is rising significantly, it is highly recommended that some component which does not add any value to the product should be eliminated. In addition, whether something adds to the value of the product or not are determined by customers rather than by the company. For instance, an example of something a customer would consider being waste: redundant accessories. Customers obviously do not want to pay for it, so the company can reduce costs by eliminating it as much as possible. In this situation, the company could reduce costs by removing lock, basket, and lamp and replace the brake with dynamo with a normal brake. The company also should rearrange the warehouse to reduce the wastes causes by moving between places, searching things and so on, because the process looks to be somewhat shambolic. The warehouse should be rearranged. (Refer to appendix) 9|Page 4. Human Relations Human relation is the way people interact and behave toward each other, human relation plays important role in business. Each organization or business tries to find out the effective ways that build up a good relationship in firm and maintaining it. Taking the time to think strategically about how the people in your business are managed will help you avoid potential problems. After interviewing with people in the company and reviewing their work, we realized that the clash of work did not only slow down the process but also create conflicts between members. Since each job is not done or supervised by one specific person, it is hard to keep track of the responsibilities when errors occur. To make ourselves clear when suggesting specialization, we will now name the specific jobs for each person in the company. Dai Armstrong is enthusiastic both about the company and about its future, he gave a number of ideas about possible directions, however he has too much work such as paperwork, doing fame. As a director, his task is about external relation but he only works in the factory. To develop their company, he needs to go out and work with the distributors. Another shareholder, Lewis Llewellyn, is less optimistic than Mr. Armstrong about company’s future. He also shows that he is keen on retiring. Since he does not desire with work, company should let him retire. The third shareholder in the board of director is Mr. Lewis’ wife. After divorcing with Mr. Lewis, she wants one third value of the business. To deal with this difficult problem the company should negotiate with Lewis’s ex-wife, either by continue giving her her dividend or persuade her to take her investment back only according to inflation rate. In production team, Mr. Maldwyn Jones thinks that his manager undervalues his skills and he is thinking about leaving due to this. To improve as well as motivate him, the company should let him replace Lewis in manager board in the business manager position while Mr. Armstrong works on external relations. At the same time, Mr. Maldwyn should still continue his painting job while helping Dai with management. Mr. Emlyn Morgan has many ideas about how to improve production and his wife thinks that he is undervalued by the managers. Like Mr. Maldwyn, to motivate him to work his best, he should be promoted to the overall production managers, overseeing all the works happens in the factory and assist the young workers as they have questions. 10 | P a g e Although Idris Pugh is a wheelwright perfectionist and his products never gets complaints, he is not not healthy enough to work regularly. We think that the best solution is to let him retire and recruit a new skillful worker to replace him. Janice and Ffred are two young assemblers. Janice likes her job but sometimes she feels pressure because she has to work overtime. However, because the sales have decreased and there are a lot of bikes left therefore she will not have to work overtime for a while. Ffred is young and in experience so he often makes mistake. Now, with the supervising of Emlyn Morgan, he will able to avoid faults. Packing is a step that is taken by anyone who has time. We think that factory should have an employee who is specialized in this task. Ianto Prichard is an odd-job man and cleaner in the factory. We decide to promote him to be in charge of this task since he is used to the work in the firm. He can do his job every weekday morning and for certain his salary will be higher. Glady Wells, who cleans the office twice a week, can clean both office and factory now twice a week and he will be paid more. 11 | P a g e 5. Investigation for Lone-term Survival and Profitability Political ? From 1990s, UK government and campaign group have tried to promote cycling as a good alternative choice for car and a good way to improve health ? 12,000 miles of the National Cycle Network is build which are equivalent to 200% of the network expansion ? London is the host of Olympic 2012 with the commitment to encourage people to participate more in sports activities like cycling Economic ? UK has recovered from economic crisis thus customers would have more budget ? Fuel costs is rising, therefore many people are switching from car to bicycle ? Growing online sales of bicycle products Social ? UK people are more aware of health and environment benefits from riding bicycle, especially in avoiding absenteeism ? More events organized to encourage people participation in cycling ? Traditional bike has been in favor of customers Technology Law Environment ? New types of bike has been launched to the market ? Laws encourage people to choose bicycle (e. g: protecting cyclists against car drivers in an accident or having preferential traffic signals) ? Environment protection campaigns promote and make people aware of advantages of riding bicycles in reducing emissions One company is a successful company if it has a good management team. Cyclermate Ltd really needs a good director who has clear vision about the company’s future and he must know exactly how to run this company. By looking at the PESTEL analysis above, we think that Dai Amstrong still see a great potential in this industry, thus he keep being so optimistic about it. He now must reorganize the company’s structure to make it work more efficiently. In addition, the director should pay attention to financial management. It plays an important role in the survival of the company. According to Mr Jones, the company had not advertised its products in the national press for some years now, we would have to advertise more on media. Besides, he mentioned an alternative route to increased sales that is trying to build up the direct sales to have the maximum benefit. We can sell the products online through Internet which is a helpful tool for saving advertising cost. Furthermore, the directors also should pay attention to the demands of customers to know exactly what they want so that its products could meet the needs of customers. The other firms in the same market were increasing their sales of â€Å"traditional†machines; therefore; we could think about the new technologies to develop new products. Mr Owen – Dai’s cousin had some expertise in new technologies and he was willing to help. The profitability of the company might be ensured if all the options are applied. Besides, we can apply some campaigns such as saving energy that helps reduce the heating, lighting and power cost. 12 | P a g e 6. Conclusion To conclude, the main problems in Cyclermate are the low liquidity of their asset, and problems in managing human resources. We believe that with the suggested solution, Cyclermate will be in a safer and more successful position than they are now. Through this report, the bank has a clearer view of where Cyclermate is standing in its development. With the resources and potential they have in hand, it is such a waste if they do not get further loan to continue developing. We also want to point out that with this uch potential, Cyclermate may even appear to be a very good candidate for loan, as they can expand their market not only local-wide but world-wide. 13 | P a g e 7. Reference 1. TIMOTHY S. HATTEN (200), Accounting Records and Financial Statements. In: Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond. 4th ed. South-Western: Cengage Learning, pp. 202-234 2. The British Cycling Economy [Online] http://corporate. sky. com/documents/pdf/publications/the_british_cycling_economy. htm 3. Gregory Hamel. January 07, 2011. The advantages of Job Specialization. [Online]. Avaiable: http://www. ehow. com/info_7743130_advantages-job-specialization. html. [December 10, 2011] 4. David Anderson. October 2006. 5S Manufacturing: What Is It?. [Online]. Available: http://www. todaysfacilitymanager. com/tfm_06_10_profdev. php. [December 10, 2011]. 5. Steve Jonathan. March 14, 2011. The advantages of 5S. [Online]. Avaiable: http://www. ehow. com/info_8061038_advantages-5s. html. [December 10, 2011] 6. LeanMan. 2010. Increase The Profit through waste reduction. [Online]. Avaiable: http://leanman. hubpages. om/hub/Increase-Profit-through-waste-reduction. [December 10, 2011] 14 | P a g e 8. Appendix Sales Direct mail order Cycle shop Budgeted total revenue Direct materials Indirect costs Total Costs Budgeted trading loss Interest Payable Possible tax loss recovery Shareholders’ Funds 846,118 (916,312) 446,580 1,292,698 (1,362,892) 29,602 (-40,592) (36,000) 35,000 28,602 units 1067 1370 Price ? 700 420 Revenue 7 46,900 575,400 1,322,300 Table 1: Draft budget – 2010/11 after selling more cycles (Number in red is the old record) Picture 1 Rearrangement of Warehouse 15 | P a g e
Monday, July 29, 2019
Analysis of the American Reality, Possibility, and Dream found in “Nickel and Dimed†and “The Outsidersâ€Â
Analysis of the American Reality, Possibility, and Dream found in â€Å"Nickel and Dimed†and â€Å"The Outsiders†Every American is familiar with the concept of the American Dream. It is the social myth at the very core of the nation’s identity. Unlike other countries, the United States is not rooted in a shared ancestry, history, or language. Instead, Americans find their unity in a common aspirationâ€â€the hope of a better future for themselves and their children in the Land of Opportunity. This is the vision that drove the Puritans to brave the sea, inspired the founding fathers to sign the Declaration of Independence, and continues to bring immigrants teeming into the country. The American Dream is deeply rooted in the culture and psyche of the United States and its citizens. It is a common theme in literature as American authors struggle to interpret the social myth in light of reality. One of the most beloved discussions and deconstructions of the American Dream is a novel written by Susan Eloise Hinton when she was only sixteen. The Outsiders chronicles the story of seven boys and their struggle to overcome the stereotypes forced on them by their community. Through the eyes of adolescence, Hinton analyzes the American Dream by addressing the gulfs that separate the Dream from reality, and the reality from the possibility of achieving the Dream. Another book with a similar purpose is Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America. Unlike The Outsiders, Nickel and Dimed is a nonfictional account of Ehrenreich’s experiences as she attempts to support herself by working various blue collar jobs. Ehrenreich accuses America of abandoning the working poor who, she argues, are unable to support themselves on current minimum wage salaries. Furthermore, her expos? shows an economic system that encourages the abuse and dehumanization of its low-income workers. Even while she stresses the importance of financial stability to the fulfillment of the American Dream, Ehrenreich spends a large portion of the book illustrating how a lack of humanity, in the system and between the classes, is the root cause of the large gap between rich and poor. While Hinton and Ehrenreich approach the American Dream from two very different perspectives, both conclude that a mutual respect and understanding between all pe ople, regardless of class, is essential to fully restore the Dream for all Americans. The United States of America was founded on the notion that â€Å"life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness†should be available to every citizen. The belief that these rights are available to every citizen is a great American myth. In his book The American Dream: The Short History of an Idea that Shaped a Nation, Jim Cullen calls this â€Å"idea that individuals have control over the course of their lives†¦ the very core of the American Dream, the bedrock premise upon which all else depends†(10). Hinton and Ehrenreich both attack the validity of the myth that equal opportunity is a reality in America and identify it as a source of prejudice and misunderstanding between the classes. Ehrenreich’s opinions about poverty, before she began her undercover journalism research, correspond strongly with the way average middle and upper class Americans think. She describes how she â€Å"grew up hearing over and over, to the point of tedium, that ‘hard work’ was the secret of success†(Ehrenreich 220). When she attempts to support herself as a blue collar worker, however, she finds that â€Å"you [can] work hardâ€â€harder even than you ever thought possibleâ€â€and still find yourself sinking ever deeper into poverty and debt†(Ehrenreich 220). In his book, Beyond the American Dream, Charles Hayes describes how the disconnection between the myth and reality stigmatizes the poor: The higher the level of social position reached†¦ the more the people on that level seem blinded by the relative advantage of their position. For example, the middle class expects the bottom level to simply go out and get a job, failing to see the dist inct advantage they themselves maintain through quality education and social connections. The typical middle-class businessman†¦ sees himself as deserving while he sees those at lower economic levels as being lazy and undeserving. (18-19) During her experience as a temporary member of working class America, Ehrenreich found the work exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Working as a maid, she describes the â€Å"exercise†as â€Å"totally asymmetrical, brutally repetitive, and as likely to destroy the musculoskeletal structure as to strengthen it†(Ehrenreich 90). Many of her coworkers work through pain, malnutrition, or pregnancy in order to keep their jobs and because they can’t afford to take unpaid days off. Several of the maids have injuries, treated and untreated, due to their work. Despite the prevalent idea that the poor can break free from poverty simply by working hard, Ehrenreich’s coworkers endure body-breaking work without having the opportunity to save enough to change their situation or seek out a different job. Like Ehrenreich, Hinton also argues that equal opportunity is a myth that contributes to prejudice. In The Outsiders, Ponyboy, the narrator, lives in a world divided by social class. The poor kids living on the East side, labeled â€Å"greasers†by the rest of the community, endure a multitude of stereotypes and stigmas. Ponyboy, and the other boys who make up his adopted family, or gang, know the labels well. On their way to a fight, they â€Å"embrace the stereotypes†(Inderbitzen 360), chanting: â€Å"‘I am a greaser†¦, I am a JD and a hood. I blacken the name of our fair city. I beat up people. I rob gas stations. I am a menace to society. Man, do I have fun O victim of environment, underprivileged, rotten, no-count hood!’†(Hinton 144). Despite their willingness to unite under these stereotypes, however, Ponyboy’s account of events brings the reader to a different understanding of the greasers. One member of the gang, in particular, allows the reader a fresh perspective on these dehumanizing stereotypes. Dally, who has â€Å"spent three years on the wild side of New York and had been arrested at the age of ten,†is the hardest kid of the group: â€Å"tougher, colder, meaner†(Hinton 19). Even Ponyboy, though he respects Dally, doesn’t like him. The tough fa?ade rapidly crumbles, however, when Johnny, Dally’s friend, dies from injuries sustained while rescuing children from a burning building. â€Å"‘That’s what you get for tryin’ to help people, you little punk,’ Dally blurts at Johnny’s body, ‘that’s what you get†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ (Hinton 157). Dally’s own life circumstances have taught him that selflessness, such as Johnny’s heroic efforts, results only in personal disaster and pain. Since his childhood, Dally has learned to meet the world with a cold detachment in order to survive the harsh, inner-city streets. Whe n he loses the only person who had slipped past his defenses and grown close to him, the pain overwhelms Dally. He pulls an unloaded gun on the police, forcing them to shoot him. Though Dally embodied many of the stereotypes forced onto all greasers, ultimately he was just a child trying to protect himself in a world where no parent had ever cared for him. The great tragedy of his death is that Dally still had the potential to be an extraordinary person. In him, Johnny saw a strong, â€Å"gallant†hero (Hinton 84), someone to look up to. Dally’s efforts to save Johnny from the fire at the risk of his own life provide a glimpse into the person he might have become had the circumstances been different. Unlike the labels suggest, Dally was not ruined beyond repair or redemption by his environment. He was still a human being, and, as such, he still had the ability to choose who he might have become. The myth, therefore, perpetuates stereotypes that prevent empathy and guid ance from being given to kids because they are viewed as already beyond help. Despite the myth of equal opportunity, the American Dream is still carried in the hearts of poor and rich Americans alike. Ehrenreich and Hinton each comment on what the Dream looks like through the eyes of the poor and compare it to the Dream as interpreted by the middle and upper classes. After examining the Dream of each class, both authors conclude that the Dreams are complimentary, not antagonistic. In Nickel and Dimed, the viewpoints of those struggling with poverty come in the form of interviews with Ehrenreich’s coworkers. Near the end of her job as a maid, Ehrenreich asks the women who she was working with how they felt about the owners of the houses they clean, â€Å"who have so much while others, like themselves, barely get by†(118). Answers two of the women give shed light on a commonality in the Dream held by each person struggling with poverty. Lori responds, â€Å"All I can think of is like, wow, I’d like to have this stuff someday. It motivates me and I don’t feel the slightest resentment because, you know, it’s my goal to get to where they are†(Ehrenreich 118). Colleen’s answer is somewhat different: â€Å"I don’t mind, really, because I guess I’m a simple person, and I don’t want what they have. I mean, it’s nothing to me. But what I would like is to be able to take a day off now and then†¦ if I had to†¦ and still be able to buy groceries the next day†(Ehrenreich 119). Though Lori and Colleen have different Dreams, the need for economic security is common to both. Without enough income to begin saving, the poor are trapped in their current situation without hope of escape. Even the ability to find a higher paying job is severely limited by lack of time, energy, and transportation. The smallest disaster could push their delicately balanced lives over the edge and leave them without either a job or money. The Dream of the rich, as expressed in Nickel and Dimed, comes from the author’s own perspective. Both Ehrenreich’s desire to research and write the book, as well as comments she makes about her own state of mind, reveal her own, middle-class Dream. Reflecting upon her â€Å"savior complex,†Ehrenreich admits, â€Å"Even my motives seem murky at the moment. Yes, I want to help Holly and everyone else in need, on a worldwide basis if possible. I am a ‘good person,’†¦, but maybe I’m also just sick of my suddenly acquired insignificance. Maybe I want to ‘be somebody,’†¦, somebody generous, competent, brave, and perhaps, above all, noticeable†(Ehrenreich 99). The need to matter is one she constantly wrestles with while preforming the menial tasks required of her from the various blue collar jobs she works. In order to cope with each of her jobs, Ehrenreich either finds meaning in it or creates meaning from pure fanta sy. In what she calls a â€Å"psychic flotation device†(108), Ehrenreich pretends, â€Å"I am not working for a maid service; rather, I have joined a mystic order dedicated to performing the most despised of tasks, cheerfully and virtually for freeâ€â€grateful, in fact, for this chance to earn grace through submission and toil†(108). Unlike those who risk going hungry day by day, with no foreseeable route of escape, Ehrenreich is not really in any danger of starvation. Her basic needs are met and her current situation is only a charade. Her Dream focuses much more heavily on the upper levels of Maslow’s hierarchy: belonging, esteem, and self-actualization (â€Å"Need-Hierarchy Theory†). It is, in fact, these needs that have driven her to spend time living as one of America’s working poor. By temporarily giving up her privileged position, Ehrenreich is fulfilling her own Dream of doing meaningful work and being somebody who matters. In The Outsiders, the Dream of the lower class is expressed through the narrator. Like Ehrenreich, Ponyboy also shares with the reader his own fantasy: I loved the country. I wanted to be out of towns and away from excitement. I only wanted to lie on my back under a tree and read a book or draw a picture, and not worry about being jumped or carrying a blade The gang could come out on weekends, and maybe Dallas would see that there was some good in the world after all, and Mom would talk to him and make him grin in spite of himself†¦ She could talk to Dallas and keep him from getting into a lot of trouble. (Hinton 56) Like Colleen and Lori, Ponyboy also desires a certain amount of economic stability and freedom, but his Dream goes much deeper than that; he also wants peace. In his neighborhood, torn apart by social class, the greasers cannot even walk alone without fear of being jumped by the socs, kids from wealthy families who â€Å"had so much spare time and money that they jumped [greasers] and each other for kicks, had beer blasts and river-bottom parties because they didn’t know what else to do†(Hinton 51). Ponyboy’s idyllic version of the country represents his Dream for the world: a place where nobody has so little money that they are â€Å"hardened beyond caring†(Hinton 67) like Dally or so much money that they have nothing left to work for, like the socs. In his Dream, he is once again cared for by his parents. He is allowed to enjoy his childhood rather than wrestling with adult problems in an adult-less world. The Dream of the upper class is related by the soc Cherry Valence who confides in Ponyboy, telling him that being rich isn’t all it’s made out to be: ‘We’re sophisticatedâ€â€cool to the point of not feeling anything. Nothing is for real with us. You know, sometimes I’ll catch myself talking to a girl-friend, and realize I don’t mean half of what I’m saying †¦ Rat race is a perfect name for it,’ she said. ‘We’re always going and going and going, and never asking where. Did you ever hear of having more than you wanted? So that you couldn’t want anything else and then started looking for something else to want? It seems like we’re always searching for something to satisfy us, and never finding it. Maybe if we could lose our cool we could.’ (Hinton 46) Cherry’s Dream, ironically, is to have a Dreamâ€â€something to strive for. Like Ponyboy, she lives in a world consumed by money, only, rather than having too little, she has too much. The class culture she grew up in demands she meet social expectations, never letting her true self shine through. In talking to Ponyboy, she is able to make a genuine connection with another human being because she does not have to worry about keeping up appearances or fitting into cultural stereotypes. Just as Ehrenreich was able to fulfill her Dream of bettering the world and doing something meaningful by entering into the world of the working class poor, Cherry also found her Dream fulfilled when she stepped outside of her own social class and befriended a greaser. For both Hinton and Ehrenreich, the only way to restore equal opportunity to America and allow each individual the possibility of living the American Dream is through mutual friendship and respect between social classes. Works Cited Cullen, Jim. The American Dream: A Short History of an Idea That Shaped a Nation. New York: Oxford, 2003. Print. Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. New York: Henry Holt, 2002. Print. Hayes, Charles, D. Beyond the American Dream: Lifelong Learning and the Search for Meaning in a Postmodern World. Wasilla, AK: Autodidactic Press, 1998. Print. Hinton, S. E. The Outsiders. New York: The Viking Press, 1967. Print. Inderbitzin, Michelle. â€Å"Outsiders and Justice Consciousness.†Contemporary Justice Review. 6.4 (2003): 357-352. Web. 29 Dec. 2011. Need-Hierarchy Theory.A Dictionary of Psychology. Oxford Reference Online. Web. 25 Jan. 2012.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Rene Descarte Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rene Descarte - Essay Example This arguments by Descartes, illustrates the need of self assessment before making conclusions. A person (thinking being) is subject to doubt, hence must first be skeptic about everything in order to end up making informed judgment. This point can be elaborated through an example for instance one sees a bottle of water. His eyes tell him that it is there. Since this person has the premise that what his eyes see is in fact real (or existing) it means that he knows that the bottle exists (p.72). When he say that it exists it means it has certain properties that indicate that it exists. No one can say that something exists without acknowledging the properties. Existence without the knowledge of its properties is even more illogical than deriving a conclusion that existence of self also encompasses the nature of self. When Renà © Descartes say that he thinks therefore he exists, it means that he is aware of what he is and what his nature is. Otherwise there is no existence. Every existence has its properties; be it divine authority like God or as trivial as a plastic water bottle. The objection of Descartes’s claim rests with the understanding of premise. If the critics accept the premise when Renà ©e says that something exists, he also bases this by understanding some properties. The philosopher has some understanding of the nature and properties of the object. This existence theory can also be related to the existence of God. For instance Renà © has confirmed many times that he doesnt understand God. But he knows that he exists, it means he is aware of certain godlike properties. No one has to have full understanding of something to know that it exists.
Coursework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2
Coursework - Essay Example However, after 9/11 events, it expected downturn in the economy, hence it felt the need to cut costs. Thus, in 2002, the company’s strategy was changed to ‘Investing in technology, capability and infrastructure’ (Rolls Royce, 2002). To cut costs it decided to change the priority on employees and lay-off extra resources wherever needed. In 2002 alone, it reduced the total head count by 4900 (Rose, Rolls Royce Annual Report 2002, 2002). Shift in focus from New Product Development to Creation of Capabilities which Increase the Scope and Value of Service Activities: Due to fall in overall demand for new engines, Rolls Royce shifted the focus from new product development to cost reduction per unit and creation of capabilities which increase the scope and value of service activities. Rescaled the business to balance load and capacity: Post 9/11 company analysed the impact of the event on the demand and capacity of civil aerospace business and its consequence on the workload and employment with Rolls Royce facilities throughout the world. In line with the expected downturn in demand for civil engines, Rolls Royce revised the number of engine units it expected to sell in 2002 (1500 from to 900 engines) Change in the mix of sales: Due to decrease in expected sales of new engines, Rolls Royce placed more stress on services front as a growth avenue. They strategized to increase their after- market revenue by developing comprehensive services capabilities. As a result of increased focus on services in 2001, the revenue from services accounted for 44% of sales in 2002 (Rose, Rolls Royce Annual Report 2002, 2002) Supply Chain Restructuring: Post September 2001, Rolls Royce decided to reschedule its entire civil engines supply chain effecting a 40% reduction in planned deliveries at very short notice. Supply chain restructuring was
Saturday, July 27, 2019
General Information about Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
General Information about Germany - Essay Example These developments and continued advancement of infrastructure have enormous impacts on the outlook of Germany as a nation, (Arther 23). Agriculture in Germany has attained extensive explosion in productivity in the past few years. Agricultural development has succeeded in producing increasingly effective while becoming increasingly ecologically compatible. Agricultural development has been due to technological advancement and utilization of state-of-art machine that needs a skilled and trained workforce, which has boosted agricultural production in many areas. Germany agriculture has attained a crucial aspect that enabled the use of new technological advances. Similarly, agriculture and forestry have achieved substantial success for Germany population wishing to work with biodiversity. In addition, new money banking corporations ate emerging in the energetic and crucial recycling of natural materials. Newly emerging rural fields are differentiated by various economic activities. For estry and agriculture is part of Germany economy, society, and environment and acts as indispensable associates to solve new global limitations (food security, protection of climate and reliable supplies of energy). Similarly, the Common Germany Agricultural Policy has gone through various reforms to react to changing economic needs and societal requirements and expectations. Today, the CAP benefits the Germany societies by promoting the production of secure and increased quality agricultural products and food, thus, supporting the sustenance of prosperous rural populations and providing incentives to protect farmers and the environment, (Frase 45). Similarly, Common Agricultural Policy faces some limitations like increasing globalization, increasing environmental challenges (availability of water, climate change and quality and loss of biodiversity), increased price volatility and issues of food insecurity.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Terrorism - Essay Example Terrorism has become one of the most misused terms since 9/11. There is a need to differentiate between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. Many politicians and scholars combine these two types of militants, depending on their personal positions or views. Freedom fighters use violence and sometimes public panic, but they do not target civilians. Terrorists can sometimes use freedom fighter tactics, but generally prefer to resort to violence, public panic, and civilian targets. For example, is Osama bin Laden a terrorist? Yes, but not all of his acts of violence can be classified as terrorism. Even all the violence on 9\11 cannot be defined as terrorism. The Twin Towers were a terrorist attack. Bin Laden utilized all of three elements of terrorism given in the text; violence, public panic, and the targeting of civilians when the Twin Towers fell. The Pentagon and White House planes were targeted for government and military installations. This ruled out the targeting of civilians, even though they knew civilians would be killed. Civilians have always been causalities of wars, whether on purpose or not. The attack on the USS Cole was not terrorism. It was an attack on the US government and military. War acts are also not classified as terrorism. The difference is civilians are not solely targeted. Civilians will die in conflicts, but there is a difference in a bomb accidentally falling short, killing civilians and targeting a civilian neighbourhood. There is also a difference between bombing a munitions factor that a dictator houses civilians in. The intent is what matters. Terrorists intend to cause the maximum civilian deaths to cause panic. Now that difference between terrorism and freedom fighters have been established, the statement that â€Å"terrorism is never justified†holds true. Terrorism is mass murder. Murder in a civilized society is wrong. Not only is terrorism never justified, it does
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Aviation Perspective Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Aviation Perspective - Research Paper Example FAA Regulations 14 CFR Part 91 covers the general operating and flight rules. The operations covered by the FAA Regulations 14 CFR Part 121 include air carrier certification. On its part, FAA Regulations 14 CFR Part 135 covers the operating requirements for the planes. FAA Regulations 14 CFR Part 141 covers outlines the requirements for the certification of aviation training schools. By description, the AIM is the official guide to Basic Flight Information and ATC Procedures. The best place to find meanings of standard FAA acronyms and abbreviations is from the free dictionary of the acronyms ( It contains a varied number of meanings for the same abbreviation (United States, 2009). NOTAM is a legal and unclassified notice, usually filed with due authority from the aviation. Its main significance is to alert pilots of significant potential hazards within the prospective route or specific locations that put the plane at risks of mishap. The kind of NOTAM that would give information about specific location is the D NOTAM due to its ability to easen information identification. The Technical Operations Services provides information to pilots abut NOTAMs that are likely to affect their flights. The service department is reachable on telephone via (888) 876-6826 and (540) 422-4262. A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is a domestic restraint on a given area of airspace because of movement of government VIPs, natural disasters, special events, or any other unusual events. The relevant authorities give them on a daily basis but vary from place to place. Precisely, the rationale for TFRs include movement of the president and the vice president from place to palace and other government VIPs, special events usually after a given period of time such as during the visits by UN officials. It may also be due to
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
World History Paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
World History Paper 1 - Essay Example In this respect, these cultures believed that disobeying the laws of the Lord would result to punishment. According to the First Book of Moses, called Genesis2it is written that from the start Adam and Eve were punished by God for eating fruit from the forbidden tree. This clarifies that disobedience of God’s laws and commands has serious repercussions to the society. Further, the book cites that the Hebrews and Mesopotamians were expected to live a life without sin. Sins and wickedness caused the people to lose favor with God just as it is written about the time of Noah. The people in the era of Noah sinned greatly against God and he had to destroy the entire world. Noah and his family together with the animals in the world were saved because he was the only person devoid of sin3. God’s curse was a concern for the Hebrews because it meant that the person would have to die. The laws and codes of the Hebrews declared that God would place a curse against people who wronged prophets ordained by God. They were expected to listen to the words of God’s messengers else, they had to suffer the curse. For instance, the First Book of Moses, called Genesis speaks of king Pharaoh who stole the wife of Abraham and God sent a curse inform of plague into his household. The Hebrews and Mesopotamians were also concerned about the worship ofidol gods. God had forbidden the worship of idols and required all the people to worship him alone. In the same manner, they had to deter from mentioning the name of God in vain since it is a way of ignorance of his words. This requires people to worship the Lord but not joke in his name for punishment would be placed upon them. These ancient communities were not expected to kill, steal, or commit acts of adultery within the society. Such grave sins were punishable through death and God’s anger would be upon those that disobeyed his commands. In addition, the Hebrew and Mesopotamian people were expected to respect each other and not
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
President George Washington's Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
President George Washington's Childhood - Essay Example These critical years laid a foundation for the greater tasks that awaited him later. George Washington’s father, Augustine Washington, had high ambitions. He owned slaves, land, practiced tobacco farming, built mills and dealt with iron mines. He married George Washington’s mother, Mary Ball in 1731 after the death of his first wife, Jane Butler in 1729 who had left behind three children. George Washington was the first born of the six children born by Mary Ball. Their family was prosperous, and among the top middle class of Virginia (Freeman, Alexander & Ashworth, 2007). George Washington spent most of his youth on Ferry Farm on the Rappahannock River, Virginia. Little is known about his childhood. However, a widely held notion is that George Washington was home schooled between the ages five and fifteen, and attended sexton classes at a nearby church. Career wise, George Washington first worked as a teacher of Math, Geography, English, and Latin classics. This was important as it prepared him for future leadership roles. His interaction with supervisors in plantations and backwoodsmen made him more knowledgeable. He had learnt surveying, tobacco growing and stock rising by the time he was a teenager. At the age of eleven, he lost his father and so lived with Lawrence, his half-brother, who brought him up in a commendable way. Here, he received schooling in the colonial culture under the directions of Lawrence’s wife, Anne Fairfax. At the age of sixteen, George was part of a surveying group that plotted land in the Western territory of Virginia. In 1749, Lord Fairfax appointed George, to be the official surveyor of Culpeper, Augusta, and Frederick Counties. The two years’ experience as a surveyor made George a strong and resourceful man, both physically and psychologically. This also enhanced his interest in land buying, which prevailed for the rest of his life, as he bought large pieces of land and
King of Country Music Essay Example for Free
King of Country Music Essay When Strait was a teenager, he began his music by joining a rock and roll garage band. After he graduated high school, he enrolled in college, but soon dropped out and married his high school sweetheart, Norma Voss, in 1971. He later enlisted in the Army. He was stationed in Hawaii and began to play in an army-sponsored band called Rambling Country. On October 6, 1972, while still in Hawaii, George and Norma welcomed their first child, Jenifer. In 1975, Strait was discharged from the Army and soon after returned to Texas. Strait returned to college in San Marcos, where he graduated in 1979 with a degree in agriculture. During college, he joined the country band Stoney Ridge, answering a flyer the band posted around campus looking for a new vocalist. Strait renamed the group the Ace in the Hole and quickly became the lead, they began to perform at different honky tonks and bars around south and central Texas, traveling as far east as Huntsville and Houston. They gained a regional following and opened for national acts such as The Texas Playboys. Soon, his band was given the opportunity to record several Strait-penned singles including That Dont Change The Way I Feel About You, for the Houston-based D label. However, the songs never achieved wide recognition, and Strait continued to manage his family cattle ranch during the day in order to make some extra cash. Strait attempted tried to become famous in Nashville but failed because he lacked any strong business connections. In 1979, he became friends with Erv Woolsey, a Texas club owner who once worked for MCA Records. Woolsey invited several MCA executives to Texas to hear Strait. He did so well on his performance they signed him in 1980. Straits first single was â€Å"Unwound’ in 1981. It made it into the Top 10. Next he released two more songs Down and Out and If Youre Thinking You Want a Stranger (Theres One Coming Home). Both these songs did great on the charts, but it wasnt until 1982 when Straits second album Strait from the heart was released. Then George Strait had his first number one hit Fool Hearted Memory. In the 1980s alone, he reached the top of the chart 18 times with songs such as The Chair, All My Exes Live in Texas, Famous Last Words of a Fool and Baby Blue. In 1985, he won CMA awards for album of the year and male vocalist. In 1986, he repeated his win as male vocalist, but his year was marked by tragedy when his daughter was killed in a car wreck. Baby Blue is said to have been written for his daughter. Strait won CMA entertainer of the year award in 1989 and 1990. In the 1990s, George Strait continued to dominate country music. He released his tenth album, Livin It Up, which featured two number one hits including Love Without End, Amen and Ive Come to Expect It From You. He later released the singles If I Know Me and You Know Me Better Than Thatwhich both were number one hits. In 1992, Strait starred in the movie Pure Country and recorded I Cross My Heart which is still one of his biggest hits today. His song once again reached number one. In 1995, He released a four-CD boxed set, Strait Out of the Box. It had become one of the five biggest-selling boxed sets in music history.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Penitentiary Ideal Essay Example for Free
Penitentiary Ideal Essay To the Roman Catholic Church the penitentiary was a tribunal of mercy, responsible for issues relating to the forgiveness of sins. (dictionary, Webster)To the average person it was a place to house prisoners who committed horrible crimes. Although it’s main purposes were both secular and spiritual, it was suppose to be a place of humane punishment rather than that of physical. (Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) The penitentiary was suppose to be a healthy and clean place unlike most jails and prisons. Prisoners were to be kept from each other preferably in isolation as to not contaminate one another with their bodily fluids as with their unholy spirits and thoughts. It was suppose to teach inmates their social purpose, to work doing productive labor and practice corrective discipline as oppose to sitting around not doing anything. (Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) As a secular institution the penitentiary was meeting the religious need for the sinners to express their sins. It allowed for the sinner or prisoner to admit his crimes or wrong doings as a kind of confession and promise to do better. The principal goal was for the prisoners or sinners to find or achieve their spiritual transformation.( Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) There were two principal models of the penitentiary, the Eastern State and the Auburn. John Havilland designed the prison we know as the Eastern State penitentiary. This prison featured seven long corridors that resembled what looked like spokes on a bicycle. It was flat and had thirty-foot walls that surrounded it. The cells were ten feet long and eight feet in width and the ceilings were about fifteen foot in height. Each cell had a toilet, a table and a bed along with a private patio the same size of the cell. The prisoners were aloud to go outside onto their patios at any time because they were enclosed and attached only to their cells.( Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) Prisoners in the Eastern State penitentiary were kept in isolation. They were aloud outside twice per day for only thirty minutes and led outside with hoods over their heads, as they were not aloud to see one another. Eastern State in its time was considered the ideal prison or penitentiary. The prisoners were kept on close watch by the guards so close that they wore socks on their shoes so the prisoners could not hear them approaching their cells. (Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) Just thirty miles of New York City in 1817, Auburn penitentiary opened its doors. This penitentiary was made of small cells about seven feet in length and about three and a half feet in width with a height of only about seven feet, stacked on top of one another. There was no courtyard so the prisoners never went outside. The prisoners were divided into three groups only for the guards to have better control of them. This penitentiary used solitary confinement as punishment. They soon learned after using this method that some prisoners took their own lives, died, or were crazy and delusional upon leaving solitary confinement. (Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) In my opinion Eastern State penitentiary was the model prison. Although the prisoners were held under solitary confinement all of the time they were let outside and had their own patios which they could go out on anytime they chose. It was better controlled and quieter I would imagine. Auburn penitentiary was led more as a congregate prison, which means that the prisoners were allowed to interact with one another.( Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.) I believe that when punished and put in solitatry confinement that is why most of them died or killed themselves because they were use to being with others and were never aloud outside. If I had to choose which prison to go to it would definitely be Eastern State only because things seemed more organized, you did not have to deal with other prisoners and the troubles that came with them and you got to go outside and have your own patio. I believe that if prisons today used the example of the Eastern State penitentiary there would not be as many fights and riots that broke out in the prisons and people would have time to think about what they did and not be influenced by the criminal minds of others. References -Corrections: The Fundamentals, by Burk Foster. Published by Prentice-Hall. Copyright  © 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Global Terrorism Index (GTI) Summary and Analysis
Global Terrorism Index (GTI) Summary and Analysis Global Terrorism The Global Terrorism Index (GTI) defines terrorism as â€Å"the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion, or intimidation.†Countries are ranked on a scale out 10 based on their risk and impact of terrorism. The top five countries for the highest impact of terrorism is Iraq with a GTI score of 10/10, Afghanistan with a GTI score of 9.39/10, Pakistan with a GTI score of 9.37/10, Nigeria with a score of 8.58/10 and Syria with a GTI score of 8.12/10. Although, there are several factors that have contributed to the global pattern, three main factors include; country development, relgious idealogy and their expansion tendancies, and politcal uppheaveal. These factors have caused significant social and economic impacts for countries and their population. The map above shows the risks of terrorism globally, with red representing a severe risk graduating down to green representing a negligible risk of terrorism. As can be observed, there is a concentration of countries in Africa and areas of the Middle East such as Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, and Nigeria, which are all, developing nations or less economically developed countries (LEDC). Seventy percent of the countries in South America have a medium or high risk of terrorism. However, the global pattern of countries suffering from a medium or high risk of terrorism is scattered around the globe and includes such other countries as Brazil, Ethiopia, Iran, and even Russia. With the exceptions of some countries such as Ghana, there are clusters countries that share a common risk rating implying that neighboring countries influence each other such as the cluster in Europe, South America and Africa, where the countries within the clusters share a common risk rating. The southern hemisphere does not seem to demonstrate any particular pattern, countries with a low or a negligible risk of terrorism is randomly scattered with developed countries such as Australia and New Zealand having a negligible risk of terrorism and developing countries such as Zambia and Uruguay also having a negligible or low risk of terrorism. However, the holistic, global pattern of countries with a negligible or low risk of terrorist attacks is scattered between more economically developed countries (MEDC’S) with a cluster in Europe. Factor 1: One of the main factors that have influenced the global pattern of terrorism is country development. The global pattern of countries that have low risks and negligible risks of terrorism is in MEDC’s. This is because MEDC’s usually have a stable political system, low levels of corruption, and a high HDI (The Human Development Index) score that is a holistic indicator to give an insight on how developed a country is. For example, Norway has the highest HDI ranking with a score of 0.944; alternatively, Niger has a HDI score of only 0.337 meaning that it has the lowest level of human development in the world coupled with a severe risk of terrorism, thus showing that there appears to be a strong correlation between the level of development of a country and the risks of terrorism it faces. This is because LEDC’s suffer from lack of judicial resources and capital to be able to control violence and are more susceptible to corruption, which leads an unstable governmental system. Therefore, the higher the HDI rating the increased probability of terrorist attacks occurring in that particular country. The pie chart to the left clearly exhibits that where there is a lack of judicial control present in provides greater opportunity for terrorist organizations to carry out their activities. Syria is an example as the nation is experiencing internal and external conflict and as a consequence, terrorist attacks are more likely to occur. It is therefore seen that there seems to be a strong correlation between the pattern of global terrorism and country development, LEDC’s tending to have higher risks of terrorism. Factor 2 Another compelling factor of developing the pattern of global terrorism is extremist religious ideologies, where particular fanatics believe that they have doctrine authority to unilaterally impose their ideology on others. Demonstrating the contagious expansion of these terrorist groups into neighboring clustered nations. Extremist groups have expanded their organizations by utilizing modern day technologies such as social media and terrorist forums as a platform to advocate their beliefs and expand their territory. For example, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) uses the Internet not only to spread its radical beliefs but also to recruit empower and motivate recruits from within their own homes to join their cause. The use of the Internet is a modern phenomenon used to recruit impressionable and naive youth from the west to join their campaign and to commit acts of terror in their homeland. So far, there is an estimated 12000 westerners have left their lives to expand terro r groups such as ISIS in Iraq and Syria. This affects the global pattern of terrorism because the areas in which these radical groups operate expands as they gain more power and therefore form clusters like the ones in Africa and in the middle east where terrorism crosses borders. The graph to the left (figure 12) clearly shows there are a higher proportion of religiously motivated terrorist incidents when compared to other factors over time. In 2000 the number of recorded religious incidents was 250 but in 2013 it dramatically increased to over 1500 incidents. In correlation, the graph also to the lefts (figure 12) shows the total number of terrorist incidents it is observed that as the number of global total incidents increases from 2000 so did the number of religiously motivated incidents, therefore, suggesting that the increased radicalized religious motives contributes to the increasing trend. Since the number of religiously driven attacks and the expansion of terrorist organizations has increased it indicates that the clustered countries (such as the cluster in the middle east) with a common risk rating implies that religious ideologies have caused this pattern due to porous borders. Factor 3: The last significant factor that has instigated the global pattern of terrorism is political upheavals, where governmental agendas are in conflict with groups within the society creating internal conflict. For example, in Nigeria the active extremist group Boko Haram aims to eradicate the irreligious Nigerian government to achieve radical Wahhabi interpretations of Sharia law in the country. The groups’ extreme Sunni Islamist ideology has resulted in the use of terror to enforce and proclaim their views by bombings and shootings on citizens and the government. This political upheaval due to differences in interpretations of how the government operates has caused conflict within the country and terrorist attacks on the population. Systematic political differences are what have caused the global pattern of because countries that do not have a stable and fair political system tend to be LEDC’s and suffer from high risks of terrorism, where alternatively MEDC’s like the cluster of countries in Europe which have a low or negligible risk of terrorism, tend to have a history of strong democracy and a stable government. The graph below (figure 13) shows the trends of terrorist ideologies. Political and nationalist separatist motives are more common in South America, Russia and Central America and the Caribbean. This explains the cluster of countries in South America which almost all countries have a medium or high risk of terrorism as the continent deals with corrupt governments and inequality between classes as lower socio-economic groups suffer from poverty and therefore extremist groups have formed as result. An example of this is the PCC, (Primeiro Comando da Capital ), an extremist group in South America who in May 2006 created chaos in Sao Paulo by destroying busses, construction and public buildings as well injuring civilians and police officers. This attack was driven by political and social agendas demanding improvement of Brazilian prison s. Significance Global terrorism is significant to people all over the world because of the economic and social consequences that comes as a result of it. The social impact of terrorism has mainly negative affects on people; however, there are some positive outcomes. The perception of terrorist groups depends on where the view originates. It has been said that one person’s terrorist group is another person’s ‘freedom fighter.’ Terrorism affects different people socially in different parts of the world, for example, the ongoing conflict between Russia and Chechnya; the Chechnya’n rebels are viewed as terrorists in Russia but in Chechnya they are viewed as freedom fighters. One recent example of a positive social effect of a terrorist attack is the act of bringing a community together was after ‘Sydney Siege’ in 2014. There was a campaign after the siege where people posted via Twitter with the hash tag â€Å"I’ll ride with you†offering to accompany Muslim women who were wearing the hijab on public transport to prevent harassment. Interestingly in the topic of uniting communities, terrorism has galvanized world leaders to combat collecting using combined resources to respond and aim to eradicate terrorism, for example the United nations brings developing and developed countries together to work in unity to try correct the global issue of terrorism. This creates positive long term affects for future generations as a global community is established where interdependence exists between nations. The hallmarks of terrorism are the taking of innocent lives. Approximately 150,000 people have died as a direct result of terrorist attacks over the past eight years, that is an average 43 people a day! These staggering numbers show how many families have been destroyed due to effect of radical, terrorist attacks. There are still 1,113 unidentified people from the September 11 attacks in the United States fourteen years ago; meani ng the attacks have a long-term effect for many families as they do not have closure of their loss. Another negative social affect is the mass generation of refugees. People flee out of their own countries to live in another safer country, for example, three million people have fled Syria and five million afghan refugees live in Iran as their country of origin high levels of terrorism conflict. The lasting effect has generation effects, language, financial, loss of careers health. The economic significance for people of as a result of terrorism affects every country having prolonged financial costs. Decreased tourism is a resultant effect as people do not want to travel with their families to what they perceive as risky and dangerous places so people will avoid travelling to countries with very high risks of terrorist attacks. Decrease in trade is also another cost because in the aftermath of an attack and increased prices of valuable commodities, for example, after there was an attack on 22 foreigners Saudi Arabia in 2004, the day after the incident crude oil prices rose by USD$2.50 as traders feared a US military strike in the middle east. Countries that suffer from high risks of terrorism have developing economies or unstable circumstances have drastically low investors. As security premium are higher the cost of economic involvement is high deterring foreign investors, potentially leading nations to bankruptcy. A further example of how terrorist attacks ha ve affected an economy is the aftermath of the September 11 where a range of estimates from USD$35 billion to USD$108 billion, of which the clean up cost alone of $1.3 billion; direct job losses amounted to 83,000 and further with $17 billion lost in wages in the proceeding months. One economic aspect can be noted as a positive effect of terrorism, which are the increased job opportunities in military. With escalated threats of terrorist attacks, development of the military increases thus generating more jobs for people. Also with the massive expenditure and development of military arms advancing a lot of economies especially the United States. Israel is an example of how prolonged low intensity terrorism has affected the Israeli people and the economy. Studies show that terrorism in Israel have caused a depression of economic development as in the volatile and unstable environment consumers have become cynical, corporations invest less decreasing supply and the government spends largely on defense and security measures instead of education and healthcare. Although there are some positive social and economic affects on people, the negative consequences exponentially outweigh the positives, long term impacts that terrorism has on people is catastrophic where the main consequence is loss of life which is an unfathomable tragedy that is experienced globally by all nations regardless if they are developing and developed countries.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Parthenogenesis Essay -- Asexual Reproduction, Honeybees
Parthenogenesis is a natural form of asexual reproduction found most commonly in lower organisms and plants. Sometimes known as virgin birth, parthenogenesis, involves the growth of an individual without fertilization. Discovered in the 18th century by naturalist and philosopher, Charles Bonnet, parthenogenesis is a progressive evolutionary strategy that some organisms have employed to maintain a colony. Just as there are benefits to organisms that utilize parthenogenesis, like reproduction without the need of male gametes, there are costs, such as a decrease in genetic variation. In the intricate eusocial organization of honeybees, there are three social classes –queen bee, worker bees and drone bees. The queen bee, as the name entails, holds the superior position in the colony. The queen bee lays all the eggs in the colony, being the only bee with a set of completely developed ovaries and having life-long fertility (Back Yard Beekeepers Association n.d.). After only one mating flight were the queen mates with a couple male drone bees, she stores the sperm to later fertilizes some of the eggs. The eggs that get fertilized develop into female worker bees and the eggs that develop without fertilization produce male drone bees. Due to the high maintenance of both the colony and its products, i.e. honey, most of the bees in a hive are female worker bees. These worker bees carry on a magnitude of different tasks, not including reproduction, which is reserved only for the queen. The male drone bees are reserved for mating with the queen bee. Following copula tion, the drone dies because of their barbed sex organ (Back Yard Beekeepers Association n.d.). Scientists have been puzzled at how this multifaceted organization is maintained bu... ...nd genetic factors play a part in sex-determination (Slobodchikoff and Daly 1971). However in some other hymenopterans, parthenogenesis occurs via thelytoky parthenogenesis. There is a subspecies of honeybee, the Cape bee (Apis mellifera capensis), which is known to exhibit thelytoky, the production of diploid females from unfertilized eggs, eliminating the paternal genome (Heimpel and de Boer 2008). In the case of the Cape bee, the queen bee determines whether the eggs are haploid or diploid (Oldroyd et al. 2008). By thelytoky parthenogenesis, the Cape queen be can produce clones of herself (Oldroyd et al. 2008). Undergoing a different form of parthenogenesis gives Cape bees the advantage of creating males that could mate with other queens (Oldroyd et al. 2008), involving one individual for reproduction, and a decrease in gene loss (Slobodchikoff and Daly 1971).
The Prostitute In Dostoevskys Crime and Punishment, Notes from Undergr
The Prostitute In Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, and The Meek One The prostitute is a curious fixture of Victorian era literature. In the works of William Thackeray and Samuel Richardson it was almost clichà © for the heroine to end up in a house of prostitution and then to transcend that situation in a show of proper Victorian morals. Having seen many young women forced by extreme poverty to take up the trade of a loose woman, Fyodor Dostoevsky, a petit-bourgeois fallen on hard times himself, took a rather different approach to the whole issue; he recognized that these women were not utterly without merit as so many people of the time thought. Georg Brandes spoke accurately when he said, "Dostoevsky preaches the morality of the pariah, the morality of the slave." Dostoevsky explored these themes through prostitute characters in many of his works. The most famous of these characters are found in Crime and Punishment, Notes from Underground, and "The Meek One." Each of these presents a unique approach to the condition of prostitutes and the problem of their redemption. In Crime and Punishment, Dostoevsky uses the character of Sonia Marmeladov, whose first name means wisdom, not solely to illustrate God's mercy toward a fallen woman but to have her redeem both herself and Raskolnikov through God's mercy. As in the parable given by Father Zosima on his death bed in The Brothers Karamazov, Raskolnikov's initial connection to Sonia in Book I functions as his "stalk of grain" which keeps him from being completely severed from God's grace. Just as the old woman in the parable was without merit except for the fact she gave the beggar a stalk of grain, Raskolnikov lacks merit after his murderous deed exce... ...uments of grace. But most importantly, he tells us that without our own attempt to transcend our sinful nature we will fail like the Underground Man or leap to our spiritual and physical doom as the heroine of "The Meek One" did. We are all Raskolnikov, we are all Sonia. The key is to strive, strive harder and strive forever to reach the unreachable perfection lost to us and unreachable without God. Works Cited and Consulted Dostoevsky, Fyodor. Crime and Punishment. Trans. Constance Garnett. New York: Bantam, 1981. Dostoevsky, Fyodor. The Brothers Karamazov. Trans. Constance Garnett. New York: Signet Classics, 1999. Dost. Research Station. Ed. Christiaan Stange. Vers. ? 17 July 1999 - Martinsen, Deborah A., ed. Notes From Underground, The Double, and Other Stories. New York: Barnes and Noble Classics NY, 2003.
Friday, July 19, 2019
interent personals :: essays research papers
Romance is not Gone - I Promise!!! Click here for more Ads Like This One. I live in Decatur and I am divorced - after 22 years of marriage since June of last year. There was something missing and we just grew apart. A friend told me about this internet thingie and I tried it. Lets just say the jury is still out - have meet some very very strange people. My monk application is next to the computer LOL - I have come to the conclusion that the computer is an escape from reality for some - so please be very careful. This technology is great but there is nothing better that the spoken word - just two people talking and listening to each other. Guess I am a little old fashion :) I have two children - both not living at home - my daughter is 20 is currently in school at UA and is a Chemical Eng major. My son Chris, is 17 and lives with his mother and is still in high school - he will probably be there till he is 30 based on his grades. He is a typical boy - loves sports and girls and high school is where to socialize not study. I am very lucky - I have two great children and they are my life. I teach high school at a small school. This is my second career - I am retired from the military after 21 years. The Clinton drawdown was going on and it was time to leave. Didn't want to but was afraid that I would get a "pink slip" and didn't want to leave under those circumstances. So I had to decide what to do now that I was all grown up and had to find a real job. Teaching fit the bill. I teach both Special Ed and ROTC. I love my school kids to death - they keep me young -- to have got to stay one step ahead of them - but it is a pleasure to go to work each day. I am presently working on a certificate in administration and my After that I am considering transferring to UA and finish my PhD there - would like a asst. principal or principal position. I enjoy anything outdoors - I am a very casual person - blue jeans and t-shirt.kinda of guy but I also like getting all dressed up (in my best coveralls :) - and going to a nice restaurant.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Bilingual Person Essay
Decades ago, being bilingual was an aspect of an individual that made them stand out from the others and be different. What if I tell you that in this modern society, being bilingual is just being one of the many thousands? A bilingual person is one who has the knowledge or intelligence of knowing two or more languages. However, there are different levels and stages of bilingualism. There is individual bilingualism which is when a person knows his/her mother tongue and another language that is used in society, as well as elective bilingualism which is a person who chooses to learn a new language. There also is circumstantial bilingualism which describes a person that learns another language in order to survive, and many others. Even though, bilingualism has a variety of degrees and aspects; it simply describes those persons who can speak two or more languages. In today’s society, bilingualism is being misunderstood since people think that a person who is bilingual is a rare phenomenon. In fact, studies have shown that more than half of the world’s population is currently bilingual. For example, I am currently living in Venezuela (Spanish speaking country) from which I am now blogging in English. Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that being bilingual isn’t a quality that people have acquired, in my point of view, I call it a gift. An interesting fact of bilingualism is that it is currently found in all parts of the world and it isn’t stereotypical of any culture or society. In fact, bilingualism can be found at all levels of ethnic groups or society and in all age groups. Being a bilingual myself, I can speak from personal experience that becoming bilingual isn’t the hardest barrier that one will have to cross through life. It is indeed a smooth ride to another culture and dialect that will be helpful whenever it isn’t expected. Bilingualism doesn’t make you stand out. However, you feel excited and confident just like a little boy with a new toy to be able to communicate with several people from different parts of the world. It makes you feel intelligent and important. I believe that those people who are bilingual are more confident and secure of themselves when they have to travel to an unknown place. This is because those who are bilingual have the ability to defend themselves in different languages which one could speak in that unknown place. For those people who are bilingual and feel alienated because of their insufficient language ability, you must re-establish that thought and raise your confidence. I have had the opportunity to travel to many different places in the world. This has allowed me to utilize my quality to the world and thus aiding myself in various scenarios. I have used my English skills to communicate in France, England, China my Spanish in Angola, United States and even in Italy. The point is that in today’s society bilinguals are being misinterpreted due to their lack of confidence. That quality of being bilingual is being lost throughout the years due to people’s negative characteristics and personalities such as discrimination. There is a phenomenon known as code-switching which bilinguals tend to suffer from. I find very interesting how some bilinguals are often code-switching from one language to another. Code-switching is a verbal skill that requires an extensive degree of linguistic competence in more than one language, rather than a defect arising from insufficient knowledge of one or the other. Even though code-switching goes beyond that imperfection of linguistic competence and inadequate knowledge, it is commonly used in that sense. I have been several times in those situations that I have had to use another language in order to express myself. As stated before, this is caused because of the insufficient knowledge of one language. I clearly remember this instance I code-switched in France. I was at a restaurant, and I wanted to ask the waitress what was the meaning of a word in the menu but my English just didn’t come out. I remember I started speaking in Spanish then I switched to Portuguese until I finally spoke in English and found out what I needed to know about the menu. It was a very embarrassing moment that I will always remember. However, I did feel embarrassed but, luckily I am a bilingual and I was able to go through this experience. You consider yourself one of the other millions or billions? Don’t, you must be proud of what you know and of what you have improved throughout the years. Yes, you are a well-rounded bilingual! If you feel indifferent or just one more in the world, imagine what those people who aren’t bilingual think of their selves. Are they chipmunks? Are they cannibals? No, they are normal people that unfortunately don’t have the extraordinary quality that you have which is being bilingual. In other words bilingualism is a gift, a personal enrichment and a passport to other cultures. One never regrets knowing several languages but one can certainly regret not knowing enough. That is why if you have struggled or worked your way in order to learn a new language, be proud of yourself and embrace the world with your quality.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Perceived Risk, Market Risk, and Accounting Determined Risk Measures
Businesses exist and argon cause in a constantly changing environment whether it is external or essential and the falsify urgencys to be monitored and assessed in baseball club to provide a by the way response. In order to be proactive in todays matched backing scenario, the proper accent of lucks associated with disdain and intents under taken becomes crucial for survival and advantage. assay is because a threat to an organizations ability to accomplish its missions and goals because it involves distrust close to(predicate) a future event. fortune management is an attempt to monitor & surmount the uncertainty with the help of strategies and techniques.There are quatern radical beat universally apply in take a chance management1. jeopardy IdentificationThere are controllable and uncontrollable events associated with a note or a project. All the possibilities that whitethorn walk out the outcome of a project should be listed down. This is a crucial mal treat and requires managers to be vigilant, observant and pragmatic because further steps send packingnot be applied if a pretend is not identify properly.2. Risk QuantificationRisk once identified needs to be assessed both in terms of its prospect and the concern it could have on the project or business. The simple way of assessing the risk result be to rate its opportunity and impact on a case of lets say 1-5 and procreate both.Risk assessment = probability x impactLets tell if the probability of an uncertain event is rated 4 and its impact is rated 5 indeed the risk can be considered diminutive to the success of a business project. Similarly base on the ratings given and the reaping of the dickens values obtained, a risk can be considered critical, high, medium or low.3. Risk ResponseNow that the risk has been assessed, management moldiness immediately act to devote a schema in pop out in its response. There are one-third basic strategies managers adopt that is a voidance, temperance or acceptance. Management may adopt the scheme of avoiding a risk completely if its considered critical to a projects success for example a distribution channel might not work out for a product and so bowl might call back of adopting an alternative channel for distribution.Another strategy that management can pursue is of mitigation for example manager may mention a decision to have cardinal or more distributors for their product. Lastly, if the risk is besides low or normal with a project of your stature manager may accept its presence with the project. Strategy grammatical construction is not enough until actions necessary to run through a strategy are not identified and so decision in this regard should also be taken in this step.4. Risk Response subdueThe last step is of monitoring the risks identified and assessed as the project goes on cashbox its completion. If any deviations are found in the process then corrective actions should be taken to r edress the issues. An adaptive hail can help in this step because managers may need to bring about some or complete change in the strategy if the possible impact of a risk differs from one antecedently assessed.If the above-mentioned plan is followed and risk manger carries out proper analysis followed by action then success of a project and the business becomes more likely.The two major types of testingDevelopmental judge and evaluation Operational Test and military rating Live Fire Test and Evaluation is a third type utilize in certain cases Implementation of test and evaluation is a promising step to revolutionize strategic goals in business achievements. Implementing test and evaluation management is to recrudesce new assumptions for the positive approach and then re-considering it and implementing it to attain new goals that were never well-bred before (Shan, 1996). This is do to improve quality, production, reduce cost, thorough assessment and improve service. This wo uld claim impressive work output with change magnitude production in short time, to effectuate demands of the market, produce customer response and to devolve labor force.Implementing test and evaluation is done by increasing number of organizations and institutes to enhance their business performance. Different sectors of business association that are engaging Implementing are telecom services, hospitals, healthcare institutes, accounting services, financial institutes, order inventory and registration, automation of manufacturing, and food industries.logistic support problems are culturally based. They focus on the assimilation and the environment of an organization. each business should be customer focus. Entrepreneurs are selling to customers, so it is a basic fact that products should be made check up on to customers need. Hence, for developing business relations with any country an enterprisers must study, research and travel to that area to love more about people , their customs, their likes and dislikes. The more the entrepreneur will be familiar with the culture and the people, it is more likely that their business will blossom in that country.All companies and organizations agree that excellent customer service is the chance upon role in to assess trends in fluctuating market. It may also need to redesign completely the organizational organise that would reach customer, understand and identifying their needs. By using different assessment procedures customer kinship has to be improved with focus on customer requirements.
Branding Proposal
Done is a splendid, personally owned macrocosm dealings agency that specializes in typeface activations. C-Ads unfluctuating suits atomic number 18 in image creation, coordinating, promoting and managing public events. The activities that atomic number 18 provided, ensures the clients target customers to understand and remember their brand without having a second to think. Our target customers are start-up demarcation, rising small businesses and expanding businesses.These clients are in emergency of outsourced public dealings in order to gain more breeding of what the external dimension of their company is in need of. By magnifying our trained, experienced and valued employees, Commanded volition emphatically earn its spot in the public relations map in advance than planned. Furthermore, by the possessor having good relationships in the fashion and entertainment business this will be a competitive advantage on getting the appropriate press for the event activations. C ommanded will use the traditional 3 ship canal of promotion, which are 1 .Offline commercialiseing Print ads (magazine, newspaper, flyers, posters) idiot box/ radio commercials Coordinate events for the opening events and get pertain with jack ladder work to get some report and a name in the industry because normally, charity events quests a lot of pres and celebrities, furthermore, by building a good relationship with the charity companies and celebrities, it will automatically attract the public eye. 2. Online marketing 2. 1 . 2. 2. 2. 3. Twitter, Faceable and Mainstream Pop-up ads electronic mail blasts (different from spam) 3.Word of mouth 3. 1 . Relying on the relationship that has been do from events, Commanded are hoping and sure that all of our future customers will be satisfied and will recommend our work to family and friends. Our agencys target audiences are I Start-up business, New businesses that silent do not have any light from the community and most impor tantly from their target customers. Ii Rising small businesses and Small business whom are known in the coal surroundings market but wants to expand into the bigger community. Ii Expanding businesses duty whom are already known but alleviate wants to branch out, and host opening parties which will involve press and possibly spokes person.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Brief History of Psychology Essay
to begin with intuition, psychological science was untested. slew expect on the whole psychological problems were ca employ by monstrous spirits. The grow of psychological science go venture to the antediluvian patriarch Hellenics, the terminal itself comes from dickens Greek words, take care and tidings which direction the person and the guinea pig of a subject. ism and physiology both contri thated to psychological sciences payoff as a scientific discipline.The orb begin of psychological science started in the mid(prenominal) eighteenth atomic number 6 when a German physiologist named Wilhelm Wundt inured psychology as an unaffiliated science discipline. His loudness Principles of physiological psychology was promulgated in 1874, it cerebrate on advisedness, including feelings, emotions and ideas. His stance came to be cognise as structural sociology psychology is to break up consciousness into its grassroots elements and get how they at omic number 18 related. Wundt and others alike used a office called introspection- a self- exam of whizs conscious views and feelings. However, by 1895 structuralism was replaced by functionalism- it centreed on the acts and functions of the mind and look sooner than its structure.In 1924, fanny B Watson create psychological science as expression launched behaviouristic psychology which proposed that psychology should fill totally apparent behavior. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian physician, whose clobber and theories helped plaster cast the views of childhood, personality, memory, sexual urge and therapy which move to let off penury and mental disorders. some other transfer of psychology happened when secular servicemaneism uprise its abstractive survey emphasized conscious experiences. matchless of the founders of this theory, Carl Rogers powerfully believed in the power of leave office pass on and humans authority to grow. psychology proceed to grow, more(prenominal) tender ideas and placements were introduced. psychology evolved bug out from philosophical system and physiology to a illuminate and autarkical domain of a function of study with encourage development and theories to beg off human thought and behavior end-to-end centuries. Today, psychologists focus on a item distinctiveness or perspective but their ideas and theories volition incubate to make up ones mind psychology for historic period to come.
Monday, July 15, 2019
Return to paradise Ethics and morality Essay
In the photographic ingest restitution to paradise en centre by Michael Asimow, Asimow raises big(p) questions active the disjunction amongst law and judge and just active(predicate) individual(pre noinal) incorrupt responsibility. any(prenominal) of the primary(prenominal) good questions brocaded in the flick be, are we beingness ethnocentric ab come to the fore how the Malaysian capitulum look at the case, should Sheriff go to prison house house house for Lewis? And did Beth unethic entirelyy cl causeing sheriff into passage by acquire into an single-valued function and non w cardinaly the practiced truth. Sheriff seems to be a fine relaxed kat and seems to be your come big cat who fill show ups his signal in the serviceman, purge when Beth confronts him near Lewiss situation, his unhurt livelihood changes and he begins make as a modify coward and oer duration begins to emerge. For eight long m he goes by dint of a spectral tran sformation, sheriff decides to meet his fate. He comes to the coating that he go away remain for Lewis cod to the vice. Lewis is remedy executed, further we are left-hand(a) with the design that sheriff has build slumber within his heart.Tony is a unite macrocosm and kit and boodle as an architect. When Beth confronts him, homogeneous sheriff, he is deep sick(p) by the finale he exit go for to make, and does non k nowadays what to do. He agrees to redress to Malaysia, al nonpareil barely if Sheriff buy the farms too. Sheriff rest skanky to the idea, and so Tony decides to conduct the beneficial six old age. subsequentlywards a great deal self-analysis sheriff last hires his part of responsibility. by and by Beth is revealed as the child of Lewis, Tony freaks prohibited and flees the country, going away sheriff and Lewis to fend for. The concomitant that he left Lewis to drop dead because he plunge out Beth was his child shows that h e may neer cute to go back, and was delay for and ease to escape. Beth is the sister and lawyer of Lewis. by complete of her associate and her acquisition as a lawyer Beth tries her hardest to custody her comrade run into close row. She wins Tony tout ensemble over at first, and tries to describe sheriff to join as well- apply guilt, logic, money, and even land up to throw his mind. everyplace time she convinces twain of them to return for lewis and after(prenominal) all her dread(a) attempts to save lewis out-of-pocket to the unpitying and cold theme journalist lewis is still hung. When sheriff was face up with the mishap of prison in a 3rd world country, he desire council from his yonder father, who told him to go to prison and have a bun in the oven the consequences of his actions. Tony talked to his married woman about the idea, and Beth relied on her stimulate instincts to do what she theory was right. Initially, and for a absolute majority film, sherifs function was no. This was loosely because of awe and the little-known of prison. aft(prenominal) discussing it with his wifeTony agrees to the three-year sentence, and then after sheriff declines, decides on his own to chair the encompassing six years in hunting lodge to drive home him.Beth decides to continually pursues some(prenominal) men, contempt the fact that Tony has already concord. She does this to decline the scentence for twain men. Sheriffs ending was influenced by no one yet himself. His, father, Beth, Tony and Tonys wife all insisted that he own the sentence, still out of selfishness he public opinion of only his gumshoe and declined. Tonys finis came initially out of backchat with his wife, exclusively was lastly persuaded through and through guilt to accept the spacious sentence. Beth came to her closing through love of her brother, but similarly respectfulness and mildness for Tony and sheriff who would bring forth to s uffer for lewiss life. Although this film for certain holds no skilful ending, the stupefy in the midst of sheriff and beth is now intemperate and she has agreed to gestate for his freedom.
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