Wednesday, July 29, 2020

MindMeister Empowers Learners in a 5th Grade Gifted Classroom

MindMeister Empowers Learners in a 5th Grade Gifted Classroom At MeisterLabs, we like to keep a close eye on what people are saying about us on social media. The most interesting and satisfying kinds of posts we see are the ones where people share how they use our tools, and how they help them reach their goals. Recently, one such tweet stood out from the crowd. In it, Daniel Whitt,  Coordinator of Instructional Technology at  Madison City Schools, shared one of the most inspirational videos weve seen in a very long time. On the Fast Forward blog, Daniel Whitt explains what the video shows: Rachel Gibbs  at Heritage Elementary School in Madison, AL reveals and explains a long-term project dedicated to activating global citizens in a 5th grade gifted classroom. She and her students elegantly combine the four primary categories of growth of the Forward Team to make an impact on the world: highly meaningful technology integration, global participation, project-based learning, and accomplishment-oriented assessment. The giant misconception in education is that activities of this nature are reserved for gifted classrooms or electives. We can do this every day, everywhere. Watch the Video Now: One of the highly meaningful technology integrations Daniel Whitt mentions is  MindMeister.  As part of their Global Citizen project, the students have chosen different topics, such as Polluted Water, Endangered Animals, and Universal Education, and  have used MindMeister to  put together all of the  research for their particular topic. The tool  enables them to organize all related questions, facts and resources such as worksheets in a radiant structure, and easily link to external websites for further reading. Were proud and honored that our tool is aiding  students on their journey  to become global citizens. Try Mind Mapping With Your Students Discounts