Wednesday, October 9, 2019
A Case Study of the Hong Kong Cyberspace Governance - Free Samples
Despite the lack of a common definition of cybercrime it is a global issue which have led to increased study into the area. The internet connection between computers enables past criminal activities as well as generate new as well as unique types of criminalities. The general definition of computer crime can be separated into crimes in strict sense, computer associated crimes as well as abuse of computers. Based on the definition of a US based computer guru Donn B. Parker a computer crime make use of computers though not entirely but also passively provided the evidence of the crime can be traced to the computer storage. The victims of cyber-attacks range from the big computerised organizations to the single individuals who rely on computers to store and analyse their data. The Parker’s definition further single out the following as forms of crimes classified under cyber-attack: destruction of computers or data stored in them, fraud cases like altering financial data illegally in the computer, programming computers to get passwords and credit card numbers illegally for financial fraud and making use of non-existing computers to deceive or intimidate others. In practice to say cybercrime is utilising the computer skills and knowledge to commit a crime will be an acceptable general definition of a cybercrime. A lot of developments are taking place in the computer crime sector in Hong Kong. Of noticeable is the emergence of child pornographic contents in the internet, availing offensive materials in the webpages, information piracy, interception of communication networks, online shopping irregularities, e-banking theft as well as electronic sales cheatings. Considering the utilitarianism theory crimes such as hacking is considered unethical as they fail to be in line with the greater good for most of the population. The hacking or to say illegal securing of information online may cause losses to general society as well as companies. Firms in the finance and insurance sector in Hong Kong rely on the public image to create trust in their customer base. Any initiation of cyber-attack might lead to losses to the firm. The data on such crimes might not be easily available in the Hong Kong crime department units as the firms fear reporting the matter to avoid the negative effects the publicity of such matters might cause in their client’s base (Jetha, 2013). On the other cases as the crime does not involve any physical interaction between the perpetrator and the offend ant, the victim might not detect the loss in time or even he may not be aware of the consequences rendered to him by the hacking. The fact that the information obtained by the hacking is for the benefit of few individuals without considering the suffering of the majority affected by the act makes it unethical issue under the utilitarianism. In the global business set up there are established rules and guidelines which define people’s responsibilities. Acts such as obtaining passwords and credit card details of clients illegally for perpetrating fraud is said to be unethical under the theory of deontology. This is brought about by the perpetrators deviation from the normal perceptions which are regarded as ethical. In the online trading securing funds from the clients without offering the products and services in return is regarded as fraud and further classified as unethical behaviour (faith, 1998). The normal set standards require the trader and the consumer to respect the set guidelines hence any person failure to adhere to this is rendered unethical. By the classical ethical theory of virtue, morality and character moral agents forms the basis of classifying the behaviours as ethical. Considering the case of child pornographic contents the person availing such information on the internet is going against the morality as defined by the general society. Such behaviours are thereby classified as unethical with their perpetration through the computer qualifying the crime as a cybercrime The operation of business activities the Hong Kong economy relies on the pre-set contractual rules which are formulated by legislature and implemented by the judiciary.  This rules gives directions on the responsibilities of parties in ensuring that all the conditions appropriate for their association to adhere to the contract are followed (Clerke, 200). This theory of a contract defines what’s ethical. As a component of cybercrime cases such piracy of information and illegal securing of people’s private information goes against the theory of contract, as so they qualify to be classifies as unethical behaviours. The improvement in technology have improved globally, as a result public knowledge and usage of information technology have been on the rise. The use of computers and the internet is quickly cutting through the Hong Kong economy. Be it in the business or household management all the way to entertainment computerisation is taking over. This brings us to the problem. Cybercrime too is expanding its wings (Varian, 1999). This increase in the use of computers are availing a larger platform for cyber-attack. With most internet users being of young age especially students the government have all the reasons to formulate laws to regulate the use of the internet with an aim of filtering out the cyber-crime offenders. Activities like youth education is a stable stepping stone for setting the computer and information ethics. For businesses to embrace and fully utilise the computerisation there is need for a safe environment in the cyberspace. Ecommerce is very important for Hong Kong in terms of development of the economy as well as building the face of the Hong Kong business as an international trading centre commercial hub in the section (A., 2003). The computer has been used for criminal objectives and there is need for more interceptions to discourage this vice. No matter how individuals and companies are knowledgeable about information technology they are still at a risk of cyber-attack. For internet and computer security the following are recommended measures to curb the cybercrime menace. Boost up security awareness. Business employees are the pathway through which most hackers hit the organisations. It has therefore important to train them on the need to put more concentration on the security of their data with initiatives such as use of complex passwords. In addition, they use implement the use of different passwords for separate account. As the firm migrate to use of cloud computing initiatives such as installation of antiviruses in the computers, installation of firewalls as well as using an upgraded operating system will minimise the potentiality of cyber-attack on your computers Even though the measures above are assurance of computer security there is need to always expect an attack as you are not aware of how prepared the cybercrime offenders are. Use intrusion detection devices, and back up your information just in case of an attack you don’t incur huge losses. Not all the employees in an organization share in the firm’s mission and vision to protect yourself from malicious employees it’s recommended that the firm restrict access to some of its most vital information. The data access should be keyword protected with the fewest people possible allowed access to them. Due to limited knowledge on computer among various managers it is important for affirm to seek the services of security personnel to help him detect areas in the organization which might be a weak point for cyber-attack. Employment of an expert will ensure that the firm gets regular attention needed for security purposes. If you consider the cost of lost information or aftermath situation of a cyber-attack its will be cheaper to work with the cyber security personnel All these ideas if implemented together with adequate government support will help Hong Kong economy get rid of cybercriminals (Won, 2005). A., A. (2003). The changing purpose of capital punishment: A restrospective on the past century and soime thoughts about the next. The University of Chicago Law Review, 1-15. Clerke, B. S. (200). distributedsecurity: preventing cybercrime. Journal of Computer and Information Law, 650-700. faith, L. (1998). Are shock incarceration programs more rehabilitative than traditional prison. Justice Quartely, 500-550. Jetha, K. (2013). CYBERCRIME AND PUNISHMENT: AN ANALYSIS OF THE DEONTOLOGICAL AND UTILITARIAN FUNCTIONS OF PUNUSHMENT IN THE INFORMATION AGE. Georgia: University of Georgia. Varian, S. C. (1999). Information rules: A strategic guide to the network economy. Boston: Harvad business press. Won, K. C. (2005). Law and Order in Cyberspace: A Case Study of Cyberspace Governance in Hong Kong. Marshall J. Computer & Info. L, 248-260. Retrieved from Ways to Prevent Cyber Crimes From Derailing Your Business.
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